To Blog or not to Blog

I don't know how to blog and I feel embarrassed to be a blogger. I hate to sound like Andy Rooney but "blogging" seems obscene to me. Really, in our entire language we couldn't come up with a better term for keeping a personal web log than a blog? How about a webichle (web + chronicle)? or a wost (web + post)? OK, these aren't that great either but it seems like there must be something better out there than "BLOGGING". Even still, I have decided its time, as the scriptures say, "to keep a record of this people" and so I will blog! Despite the ickiness of the term, I hope you enjoy it!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

A Tragedy In Arizona

Yesterday, while Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was hosting a town meeting in Tucson, Arizona, 18 people were shot by a 22-year-old man.  Six of the 18 died including a nine-year-old girl and a federal judge.  12 others were injured and are in various degrees of recovery.  Congresswoman Giffords, who was shot in the head, survived both the shooting and the surgery, and, against all odds, the doctors are optimistic for her recovery.  It is incomprehensible.  My heart actually aches when I think of the depth of devastation this has caused in so many lives.  One choice, one decision has changed the course of hundreds of lives.  What if the choice had been different?  Why wasn’t his choice different?

But his choice wasn’t different and now the blame begins.  We need tougher gun laws, the level of vitriol in our country is outrageous; its killing people, people are being killed because of the irresponsible things politicians have said on radio and tv, Arizona is the hot-bed for intolerance right now, Sarah Palin was connected to the shooting, crazy conservatism is to blame, etc.  People jump on whatever band wagon they agree with and the finger-pointing, name-calling, and mud-slinging explodes.

I think they are all wrong.  I do not think this happened because our gun laws are too lenient or because the talking heads have riled up the citizenry.  I do not think this happened because one state in the union is promoting intolerance.  I think vitriol is no more or less present than it always has been but it is expressed more loudly.  But I do not think any of this is caused one man to shoot people.  I believe all of these, including the shooting are reflections of a change in American culture.  As a country, we have moved away from the ideals of self-reliance, accountability, and conscience.

The greatest generation, our grandparents generation, was not that long ago.  Why were they the greatest generation?  Were there stricter gun laws?  Did politicians act more responsibly?  Was the level of vitriol in the country lower?  We were fighting WWII after all; losing more men and women in battle than ever before or since.  Yet they supported each other and continued to respect America.  Why were they the greatest generation?

The greatest generation was individually self-reliant, accountable to one another for their actions, and had a collective moral conscience that was not regulated by government.  The American climate during the greatest generation was responsibility and respect.  They did not want to remove the phrase “Under God” from the Pledge of Allegiance” while ignoring the most vile music lyrics under the guise of artistic liberty and freedom of speech.  America really was a shining city on a hill, an example to the world, a symbol of hope to humanity.

What has changed since that generation?  The people.  People who used to be self-reliant have become dependent.  People who used to be accountable to their God and to their neighbors have become entitled.  People who used to have a conscience have become selfish and unprincipled.  Our greatest generation grew up working and sacrificing; they became adults instilled with gratitude and respect.  Our generation has grown up with abundance and hand-holding; we have become instilled with selfishness and immaturity.  The people have changed.  We are a nation of spoiled brats. 

So, why is anyone surprised by the finger-pointing, name-calling, and mud-slinging?  Why is anyone surprised that people are willing to yell the most hateful things at each other?  Why is anyone surprised when our Congress can’t get along?  Why is anyone surprised when there is argument and disagreement among our media?  Why is anyone surprised at the level of violence in America?    

Tougher gun laws are not the answer.  More stringent media regulation is not the answer.  More regulation and bigger government is not the answer.  I submit that if we really want to see the climate of violence and all other negative trends in America change, we as a people need to change.  It is not the government’s fault, it is not the media’s fault, it is not the school’s fault, it is our fault.  It is so much easier to point a finger away from yourself, blame someone else, or look somewhere else for a solution than to realize I am responsible and I must change.  As the people go, so goes the country. 

We must return to the principles that once made us great.   Individual self-reliance, personal accountability, and every man’s character of conscience.  Only in this will we achieve a collective restoration of the American culture.  Until then, we will continue to sacrifice principles of liberty, individual freedoms, and human life.

And I will pray for our nation, live within these principles to the best of my ability, and instill these values in my son, who is the next generation.  And I wonder, will America be better or worse then?

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